Princess Charlotte reveals her favourite animal – and it might surprise you

Princess Charlotte's very sassy response when aide tried to help her with gift


Princess Charlotte once revealed to Sir David Attenborough what her favourite animal is and asked him if he likes them too. Princess Charlotte once revealed her favourite animal and it’s one that will surprise some. The Royal Family have traditionally been animal lovers with the late Queen Elizabeth having a soft spot for her corgis as well as horses. But Princess Charlotte’s revelation a few years ago surprised many royal fans, as her favourite animal is one that some of us fear.


Princess Charlotte reveals her favourite animal - and it might surprise you

Back in 2020, Charlotte appeared in a video released by Kensington Palace alongside her two brothers, Prince George and Prince Louis, as they asked Sir David Attenborough questions about their favourite animals. During the heartwarming video, a young Charlotte can be seen revealing that she likes spiders whilst asking Sir David if he likes them too. He replied: “I love spiders, I’m so glad you like them. “I think they’re wonderful things. Why is it that people are so frightened of them? I think it’s because they’ve actually got eight legs, which are much more than us, and if you’ve got eight legs you can move in any direction, so you can never be quite sure which way that spider’s going to go.


Princess Charlotte reveals her favourite animal - and it might surprise you

“He could go this way or that way … so people don’t like them, and they don’t like their hairy legs either. But spiders are so clever. Have you ever watched one trying to build its web? “That is extraordinary. How does it make a circular web like that attached to trees on either side or bits of vegetation? How do they do it? Try and watch and see how they do it, it’s marvellous.” Meanwhile, Prince George asked Sir David what animal he thinks will become extinct first to which he replied: “Well, let’s hope there won’t be any.


Princess Charlotte reveals her favourite animal - and it might surprise you

“Because there are lots of things we can do when animals are in danger or extinction. We can protect them. “About 40 years ago, I was with some mountain gorillas in the centre of Africa. “Mountain gorillas were then very, very rare, there were only 250 of them left, and we showed pictures of them on television, and people thought how terrible it would be if these became extinct. “So they subscribed lots of money and lots of people came to help, and now there are over a thousand of them. So you can save an animal if you want to and put your mind to it, people around the world are doing that because animals are so precious – so let’s hope there won’t be any more that will go extinct.”


Princess Charlotte reveals her favourite animal - and it might surprise you

Prince Louis, who was just two when the video was recorded, asked the TV legend what his favourite animal was. Sir David replied: “I think I like monkeys best, because they’re such fun. They can jump all over the place, and they don’t bite, at least… some do, but if you’re a bit careful they don’t bite. And they’re so funny, and I like them a lot.

“Mind you, you can’t have monkeys sitting around the home because that’s not where they live, they live out in the forest.”


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