The five heartbreaking moments that have rocked King Charles in 2024-The Last One Will Melt Your Heart


This year has been a tough one so far for the Royal Family, with no one bearing the brunt more than King Charles. We may be only a couple of months into 2024, but the Royal Family have already had to deal with a barrage of tragedies and health difficulties, which sadly have principally affected King Charles .On January 17 two separate statements were released detailing the surgeries undergone by Princess Kate and the King, which would put them both out of action for some time. During Charles’s procedure it was discovered that he has cancer, and although his prognosis is said to be good he has been forced to step away from public life for a time while he is treated.


The five heartbreaking moments that have rocked King Charles in 2024-The Last One Will Melt Your Heart

Then at the end of February it was announced that Thomas Kingston, the husband of Lady Gabriella Windsor, had been found dead at his parents’ Gloucestershire home, with two of the King’s friends also recently passing away. Here Express.co.uk takes a look at the five biggest heartbreaks for His Majesty this year so far. The first bump in the road for 2024 came on January 17, when Kensington Palace confirmed that the Princess of Wales had undergone a planned procedure on her abdomen. Although the operation was a success, Kate spent nearly two weeks in hospital and has been out of action recovering at home in Windsor since she was discharged.


The five heartbreaking moments that have rocked King Charles in 2024-The Last One Will Melt Your Heart

It is hoped she will be back on royal duty by Easter, but it means other royals have had to pick up the slack, especially now with the King himself now unwell. Following his own operation for an enlarged prostate, Buckingham Palace released a statement on February 5 saying that King Charles had been diagnosed with cancer. He is currently receiving treatment and appears to be in good spirits, attending meetings in-person when he can and still receiving his daily red boxes. Tragedy befell the royals on February 25 when Thomas Kingston was found dead at 6pm, with the news breaking a couple of days later.



The five heartbreaking moments that have rocked King Charles in 2024-The Last One Will Melt Your Heart
Lady Gabriella and Thomas Kingston on their wedding day

It subsequently emerged that the 45-year-old died from a “traumatic head wound”, with a gun being discovered in a outbuilding of his parents’ home in the Cotswolds. An inquest was held at the Gloucestershire Coroner Court following his death, although police have ruled out any third party involvement at the time and said the circumstances were not suspicious. Mr Kingston was married to Lady Gabriella Windsor, the daughter of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent, with them tying the knot in 2019. His Majesty has also lost some personal friends of his own, with Ian Farquhar passing away on Wednesday March 6 at the age of 78.

Prince William once dated Mr Farquhar’s daughter Rose before he met Kate, with Queen Camilla’s first husband Andrew Parker-Bowles sharing a touching tribute to his friend. He said Mr Farquhar was as “wild as a hawk in his youth, but always great fun” and he would be “judged by history as one of the Great Master of Hounds”. Peer and banker Lord Jacob Rothschild, who was also known to be close to the Royal Family, died on February 26 aged 87.

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